
How to Prevent Artificial Jewellery from Tarnishing

We can understand your doting love for the artificial jewelry pieces you own. These staple items in your collection must have been gathered with great interest, but some of them may be showing signs of wear. I tell you there is no need to worry, as you can increase their longevity by taking some measures. So, before diving into how to prevent artificial jewelry from tarnishing, let’s first understand what is tarnishing. 

How to prevent artificial jewellery from tarnishing?

GoldenGlamour Jewellery

What is Tarnishing?

When we say that the artificial jewelry is tarnished, we mean that the surface of the jewelry has become discolored or looks dull with the passage of time. This happens due to the reasons such as its exposure to air, chemicals, moisture or at times skin oils.  

Materials commonly used in artificial jewelry, such as silver-plated metals, copper, brass, and alloys, are typically susceptible to tarnishing. After this phenomena happens, the jewelry loses its shine and luster and thus its aesthetic appeal. Therefore, it’s necessary to prevent your stunning pieces of adornment from tarnishing, which involves protecting them from environmental factors and employing proper cleaning and storage techniques.

Skin Turning Green after Wearing Jewelry

At times, we encounter a green stain appearing underneath the ring which we were wearing. This happens when skin acid oxidizes the metal, leaving a green sign 🙂 the amount of discoloration of your skin depends on each person’s body chemistry. But fortunately, it’s not harmful at all. The metal primarily responsible for causing this green stain is copper, although both gold and silver can also contribute to it.

How to Prevent Artificial Jewellery from Tarnishing?

Here are the ways to prevent artificial jewelry from tarnishing. Read each of them carefully and adapt these tips in your lifestyle for an extended life span of your jewelry. 

Keep Your Jewelry Dry

Keep your jewelry from anything wet, like water, moisturizers, oils, perfumes etc. If it accidently comes in contact with moisture or liquids, make sure to immediately pat them dry.

Proper Storage

Environmental factors can be a reason why your adornments are losing their originality. So, a simple tip is to keep them in a dry and clean place away from humidity. You can expose it in the open air but avoid doing it for long because it may accelerate the process of tarnishing. To protect your pieces, put them in airtight containers for jewelry boxes with anti-tarnish lining (to prevent oxidation and absorb moisture). Also, you can store them in any resealable plastic bags.

Use the Anti-Tarnish Bags

Anti-tarnish bags are a great option. They are more long lasting and robust than zip lock bags. 

Regular Cleaning

Develop a cleaning ritual for your jewelry items to remove any oils, dirt or any other contaminants which might contribute to their tarnishing. Consider cleaning them every 1-2 weeks. Use gentle cleansers like mild soap and water and dry them right after cleaning using a soft cloth. 

Use a Toothbrush 

Use a toothbrush to clean jewelry. Yes, it seems strange but believe me, using the Q-tip of the toothbrush helps you reach all the hooks and corners of it. 

Apply Lotion Before Wearing Jewelry

Although you should protect your jewelry from moisture, to keep tarnish at bay, you can apply water-based, fragrance free lotion containing very few chemicals on your skin. By doing this, you will create a barrier between your skin and jewelry thus protecting it from damage. 

Apply Clear Nail Polish 

You can apply a very thin layer of any clear nail varnish on the surface of your artificial jewelry. It will act as a barrier against tarnishing. 

Avoid Exposure to Harsh Substances

Be cautious to avoid harsh chemicals or other abrasive cleaners as they will damage the jewelry’s surface. Make sure not to do swimming, bathing or engaging in such activities that expose you to harsh chemicals such as chlorine, alcohol, bleach etc. 

Avoid contact with makeup and hair products. These include shampoos, conditioners, moussess, gels, hairsprays etc as they also include harsh chemicals which won’t act favorably towards your adornments. 

Use Jewellery Protectant Spray

Lastly, if you cannot do all of the above said steps, simply use a jewelry protectant spray that will fight the elements which may cause tarnishing. Thus, they will last longer keeping you worry free. Here is the way of using jewelry protectant spray.

  1. Spray at a well ventilated spray to minimize fumes inhalation. Before applying protectant spray, make sure your jewelry is dry. 
  2. Shake the bottle well before use. Then spray the jewelry item by keeping the spray nozzle at a distance of 6-8 inches (15-20 cm). 
  3. After applying the spray, let it dry completely. It may take a few minutes to an hour to completely dry which depends on the specific product and environmental conditions. 
  4. After it gets dry, store in a clean and dry place. 


For those with sensitive skin, avoid using jewelry protectant spray as it can cause allergies such as rashes, irritation and hives. Also, try using sprays which are cruelty free and 100 percent hypoallergenic. 

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